Research Interests
...coming soon....
...coming soon...
Publications in Journals
- Park N., Choi H., Lee W., and Shin K.-H. Distributional pattern of siphonophore in the Northwest Pacific Ocean depending on ambient environment. Submitted to Frontiers in Marine Science 10 1223477
- Park N., Lee W. Kim, Eight New Records of Siphonophores (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in Korean Waters. Diversity 14, 494.
- Park N., Yeom J., Jeong R. and Lee, W. Novel attempt at discrimination of a bullet-shaped siphonophore (Family Diphyidae) using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF MS). Scientific reports 11, 1-12.
- Yeom J., Park N., Jeong R., and Lee, W. Integrative Description of Cryptic Tigriopus Species From Korea Using MALDI-TOF MS and DNA Barcoding. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 495.
- Park N., Prudkovsky A.A., and Lee W. Integrated Taxonomy for Halistemma Species from the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Water 12, 3283.
- Park N. and Lee W. Four new records of family Diphyidae (Hydrozoa: Siphonophorae) in Korean waters. Journal of Species Research 9, 131-146.
Presentations in International conferences
Oral presentation
- Park, N., and Lee, W. Phylogeny of Siphonophorae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) and Two New Records in Korean Waters. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences, Daegu, Korea.
- Park, N., and Lee, W. General introduction of Siphonophores (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). 2021 Meeting of Experts on Aquatic Live, Online, Korea.
- Park, N., Yeom, J., Jeong, R., and Lee, W. Application of MALDI-ToF for species delimitation in Bullet-shaped Siphonophore. The Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies, Jeju, Korea.
- Park, N., and Lee, W. Discrimination of Hydromedusae using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. 2020 Meeting of Experts on Aquatic Live, Online, Korea.
Poster presentation
- Park, N., and Lee, W. A Study on the phylogeny in suborder Calycophorae (Hydrozoa: Siphonophorae) based on integration of morphological features and multiple molecular markers. 17th Meiofauna Conference (17ImCO), MARE-Évora, Portugal.
- Park, N., and Lee, W. Three species of family Diphyidae (Hydrozoa: Siphonophorae) in Korean Waters. 2019 Annual Symposium of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology & Harmful Organisms 2019, Busan, Korea.
- Park, N., and Lee, W. Four new records and a checklist of Siphonophorae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in Korean Waters. 2018 Fall Symposium of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology, Seoul, Korea.
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